Achievement Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee recognizes and honors the outstanding accomplishments of chapter brothers, Silhouettes and Kappa League participants. It also celebrates members who have reached fraternity milestones. Lastly. The committee is charged with compiling all of the chapter activity into a petition to be submitted for province and Grand Chapter award recognition.
Civic Action Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee plans community outreach activities for the chapter. Of note, the committee is charged with organizing an annual Sunday of Hope, where our chapter brothers and affiliates attend church together and raise awareness of the work being performed at St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Additionally, the committee encourages chapter members to remain involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program.
Finance Committee (Chairman: ?)
By virtue of office, the Keeper of Exchequer leads this committee comprised of chapter leaders who propose a budget for each fiscal year. Throughout the year, the committee is charged with managing the budget and recommending new fiscal strategies for the chapter.
Fundraising Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee organizes events and activities to increase the chapter’s financial resources. In doing so, this committee seeks to create new opportunities and initiatives to promote the chapter’s growth.
Guide Right Committee (Chairman: ?)
Conceived in 1922, Guide Right is the national social outreach program for the fraternity. This committee is charged with providing programming, mentoring and assistance for youth. The Kappa League program, designed to train high school young men for leadership, is an extension of Guide Right.
Health & Wellness Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee works to promote healthy lifestyles and choices for our chapter members and the community-at-large. The committee focuses on all health issues that affect men, women and children.
Information Technology Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee recommends policy, procedure and standards for the chapter’s use of all technology and social media. It seeks innovative ways to increase the chapter’s web presence and communication through technology.
Membership Intake Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee is responsible for overseeing the new membership orientation intake program.
Nominating Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee oversees the election process and prepares a slate of officers to present to the chapter each year. The committee also maintains the current roles and responsibilities of each chapter officer.
Reclamation Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee aims to engage inactive brothers with chapter events and activities. Ultimately, the goal of the committee is to bring brothers back to the fraternity who are not currently affiliated with a chapter.
Senior Kappa Affairs Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee plans programs and activities geared toward the Senior Kappa population. The committee’s goal is to recruit, retain and reclaim these brothers to the chapter.
Social Committee (Chairman: ?)
This committee plans activities for chapter members to fellowship between meetings. Some events are open to the public and others are closed (i.e., Founders Day).