Southwestern Province
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was the Grand Chapter city, December 30, 1920, to January 1, 1921, with the Lambda and Epsilon Chapters as host. George F. David II, Grand Keeper of the Exchequer, became the first Grand Polemarch who had not been nurtured by the Alpha Chapter under the influence of the Founders. Davids election was crucial. His administration would, in part, reflect the thoroughness with which the Fraternitys ideals had been transmitted. However, there was no need to worry. The Grand Polemarchs grasp of the organizations needs was manifest in his initial steps to satisfy them. Legislation to divide the Fraternity into supervisory districts was to result from Davids proposal, an idea given him by his father, then a presiding Elder of the A.M.E. Church, and a member of the Fraternity. This laid the groundwork for the creation of the Southwestern Province.
Columbia University was the seat of the Fifteenth Grand Chapter, December 26-30, 1925. In his address to the convention, Grand Polemarch Earl B. Dickerson stressed that Kappa Alpha Psi was no longer a provincial organization of a few ambitious, callow youths within a single community; it was a national society of members who ‘walked the high road’ in many cities and towns throughout the nation. Delegates passed resolutions reflecting the Grand Polemarchs point of view. One resolution indicated that college fraternities must be active agents in helping to create better understanding among the nations and races of the world. Another resolution was passed favoring the extension of Kappa Alpha Psi into southern colleges. The designations ‘Region’ and ‘Regional Director’ were officially changed to ‘Province’ and ‘Province Polemarch.
‘Detroit, Michigan was where the delegates assembled for the Seventeenth Grand Chapter on December 25, 1927. Archie A. Alexander succeeded Earl B. Dickerson as Grand Polemarch and retained that office for three years to December of 1930. In accepting the office of Grand Polemarch, Alexander committed the Administration to the appointment of Province Polemarchs who would put energy into their work and thereby extend the program of Kappa Alpha Psi.
The Marshall Alumni Chapter was organized on March 30, 1928, to become the first chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi in the state of Texas.
With the Epsilon, Lambda and Philadelphia Alumni Chapters as hosts, the Twentieth Grand Chapter assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 27 31, 1930. A. Moore Shearin was elevated to the office of Grand Polemarch. Also appointed was J. W. Holland as Province Polemarch of the Southwestern Province. With this creation began a long legacy of Achievement in The Southwestern Province.